She is so steeped in the ways of death that her merest touch can kill, and a single whispered word from her withered lips can open up old wounds to bloody life. It is she who leads the Lord of Murder's unholy rites and dictates the holy creed that all Witch Elves must follow. Her mastery of the many ways of murder eclipses even that of Morathi - who is often too distracted by her sorcerous pursuits - and far outstrips the skills of the other Hag Queens. Ugly and worn as she may be, Hellebron remains the greatest of the Brides of Khaine. Therefore, ever more sacrifices are needed to fill Hellebron's cauldron each year, and yet the rejuvenating effects last for a smaller length of time on each occasion. However, while the youth and beauty of Morathi never fades, Hellebron's is now almost expended, for the Hag Sorceress deliberately withheld from her the deepest secrets needed to use the Cauldrons of Blood.

Crone Hellebron is the most ancient of the Hag Queens and second only to Morathi in Khaine's sight.